You Will Need
- Scale
- Round filter
- Aeropress funnel
- Stir Rod
- Aeropress
- 35g of coffee
- 400g of water at 85C
- Carafe or mug
This recipe uses 35g of coffee and a total of 400g of water, for a stronger ratio of around 1:11.
Step 1
Mount filter into aeropress and rinse with hot water from your kettle - this prevents any paper flavours from mixing in with your coffee.
Step 2
Grind 35g of coffee on a fine grind, just a bit coarser than espresso grounds and pour into the aeropress base.
Step 3
Pour 150g of water and let steep for 2 minutes.
Step 4
During the 2 minutes, stir the grounds so they are all coated with water.
Step 5
After 2 mins, plunge the coffee into a carafe.
Step 6
Dilute with 250g of water on the scale to complete the 400g total.
Step 7
Enjoy your coffee!