The Pour Over

Posted by Cristina Dias on

You will need:

  • Scale
  • Cone Filter
  • Hario V60
  • 300g water at 95C
  • 20g of coffee
  • Carafe or mug


Step 1: Rinse cone filter with hot water from your kettle - this prevents any paper flavours from mixing in with your coffee.

Step 2: Pour 20g of coffee ground on a medium setting into the filter. 

 Step 3: Pre-infuse the grounds with 40g of hot water (optimal temperature is 95°C), let sit for 30s.

Step 4: After 30s, pour the water in a circular motion around the centre until the scale reads 175g. 

Step 5: When the water has receded to about half the volume, pour hot water until 300g and let drip.

Step 6: Enjoy your coffee!



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